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about David
Updated September 5, 2001
NEW! in Blossom

Sadly, this site has not been updated since the date above because David is so busy with his music that he hasn't had time to paint. Please stop by in the future in the hope that his work has allowed him some free time for his love of painting. Thank you!
--September 28, 2007

David  has been interested in painting and drawing since he was a young boy. A few years ago, he decided to spend more time painting when our daughter Melissa showed an interest and talent for art. They have enjoyed sharing this interest. David paints mostly with watercolors, but he also uses watercolor pencils, and  pen and ink.  David likes to use watercolors by Meimeri, Cotman, Rowney, and Van Gogh, and paper by Arches.

Teaching, practicing and performing don't allow a lot of free time for painting, but please check back often to see David's most recent works.

Please don’t remove the images from this site. These works are David’s original watercolor creations and he retains exclusive copyright and license to these images.  If you are interested in purchasing any of the original paintings, prints of the original paintings, and/or greeting cards with any of these images, please contact David at drrife at gmail dot com (you know the format).

Thank you for your interest.

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copyright © 1998, 1999, Y2K, 2001, 2002, 2003
David R. Rife, Wynne G. Wong-Rife